Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6-9

Social Studies:
Tuesday: Finish Word Master vocabulary, hw: StoryBlaster using 8 vocabulary words due tomorrow!
Wednesday: 1.2 and 1.3 reading, work on Native American cultures map, hw: Ch. 1 Essential Questions
Thursday: 1.4 and 1.5 reading, work on Native American cultures map, hw: Ch. 1 Essential Questions due tomorrow!
Friday: United States map quiz, finish Ch. 1 reading, finish Native American cultures map

Language Arts:
Tuesday: Finish Unit 1 academic vocabulary notes, Unit 1 Powerpoint (LRA 3.2), and begin Unit 1 flashcards
Wednesday: Read "The Tell Tale Heart" and work on plot chart, hw: study flashcards
Thursday: Read "The Hitchhiker" and work on plot chart, hw: study flashcards
Friday: Finish reading "The Hitchhiker" and finish plot chart, Watch a few animated shorts and study theme, conflict, and resolution

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