Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19-23

Social Studies:
Monday: Write a 1 pg. letter from Jamestown, either during the "Starving Time" or during the "Booming Tobacco Colony" period, Ch. 3 S, S, lightbulb, hw: finish both for homework
Tuesday: Collect and read letters. Ch. 3 Word Masters, hw: SB with all Ch. 3 words due Thursday.
Wednesday: Read 3.2 and 3.3 summaries, hw: Sb due tomorrow
Thursday: Finish WM vocabulary, WB pg 15
Friday: Brainpop: Slave trade, WB pg. 16

Language Arts:
Monday: How to analyze proposition and support, read R11-R14, read Christopher Reeve's speech pg. 380, Exit ticket, hw: Write a business letter using To Whom It May Concern:
Tuesday: R 6 Patterns of Organization, hw: Punctuating Quotations ws
Wednesday: Write 1 pg. business letter, Commas ws
Thursday: R 6 Patterns of Organization, Library
Friday: LRA 3.2 practice, Examples of Proposition and Support: "Hands Free Law"

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