Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26-30

Social Studies:
Monday: Read 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8, WB pg. 18, hw: Ch. 3 Essential Questions due Thursday
Tuesday: Finish WB pg. 19, Read 3.9 and 3.10, Review WB answers, hw: Ch. 3 essential questions due Thursday
Wednesday: Health Office- Hearing exam, hw: essential questions due tomorrow
Thursday: WB pg. 21, postcard from the colonies rough draft
Friday: WB pg. 21, postcard from the colonies final draft

Language Arts:
Monday: Introduce research report, Write thesis and anecdote, hw: Finish anecdote (Boys-Pro and Girls-Con)
Tuesday: Read student samples of research papers, Edit paragraph 1, hw: Edit paragraph 1 and have two people sign it
Wednesday: Read articles and decide whether the quote supports PRO or CON, citation practice, Punctuation ws lesson 7 Apostrophes
Thursday: Correct hw ws, write paragraph 2 on the history of Banned Book Week, hw: study flashcards
Friday: LRA 3.2 quiz on plot structure, RC 2.2 propostition and support quiz, finish paragraph 2 or begin working on paragraph 3

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