Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26-30

Social Studies:
Monday: Read 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8, WB pg. 18, hw: Ch. 3 Essential Questions due Thursday
Tuesday: Finish WB pg. 19, Read 3.9 and 3.10, Review WB answers, hw: Ch. 3 essential questions due Thursday
Wednesday: Health Office- Hearing exam, hw: essential questions due tomorrow
Thursday: WB pg. 21, postcard from the colonies rough draft
Friday: WB pg. 21, postcard from the colonies final draft

Language Arts:
Monday: Introduce research report, Write thesis and anecdote, hw: Finish anecdote (Boys-Pro and Girls-Con)
Tuesday: Read student samples of research papers, Edit paragraph 1, hw: Edit paragraph 1 and have two people sign it
Wednesday: Read articles and decide whether the quote supports PRO or CON, citation practice, Punctuation ws lesson 7 Apostrophes
Thursday: Correct hw ws, write paragraph 2 on the history of Banned Book Week, hw: study flashcards
Friday: LRA 3.2 quiz on plot structure, RC 2.2 propostition and support quiz, finish paragraph 2 or begin working on paragraph 3

Monday, September 19, 2011

Punctuation Practice

Attention Students! Here are some great activities for practicing capitalization, commas, colons, semi-colons, and quotation marks! Language Arts benchmark is October 6-7th! :)

September 19-23

Social Studies:
Monday: Write a 1 pg. letter from Jamestown, either during the "Starving Time" or during the "Booming Tobacco Colony" period, Ch. 3 S, S, lightbulb, hw: finish both for homework
Tuesday: Collect and read letters. Ch. 3 Word Masters, hw: SB with all Ch. 3 words due Thursday.
Wednesday: Read 3.2 and 3.3 summaries, hw: Sb due tomorrow
Thursday: Finish WM vocabulary, WB pg 15
Friday: Brainpop: Slave trade, WB pg. 16

Language Arts:
Monday: How to analyze proposition and support, read R11-R14, read Christopher Reeve's speech pg. 380, Exit ticket, hw: Write a business letter using To Whom It May Concern:
Tuesday: R 6 Patterns of Organization, hw: Punctuating Quotations ws
Wednesday: Write 1 pg. business letter, Commas ws
Thursday: R 6 Patterns of Organization, Library
Friday: LRA 3.2 practice, Examples of Proposition and Support: "Hands Free Law"

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 13-16

Social Studies:
Monday: Read Ch. 2 Intro. "ear to ear", Ch. 2 Word Masters, Explorer BrainPop, hw: StoryBlaster due Wednesday
Tuesday: Practice WordMasters, Ch. 2 Outline, hw: StoryBlaster due tomorrow
Wednesday: Practice WordMasters, Ch. 2 Outline
Thursday: Review Ch. 2 Outline, study for tomorrow's quiz on the BIG QUESTION: How did early European explorers and settlers influence and change life for Native Americans?
Friday: BIG QUESTION  Ch. 2 short answer quiz

Language Arts:
Monday: "The Third Wish" plot notes, two more Unit 1 flashcards, hw: People/Cultures capitalization ws
Tuesday: Correct hw ws, Read "Monkey's Paw", plot notes, hw: First Words and Titles capitalization ws
Wednesday: Read "Monkey's Paw", plot notes
Thursday: Read "Monkey's Paw", plot notes, Places/Transportation capitalization ws, study for capitalization quiz and plot structure quiz
Friday: Capitalization quiz and Plot Structure quiz

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6-9

Social Studies:
Tuesday: Finish Word Master vocabulary, hw: StoryBlaster using 8 vocabulary words due tomorrow!
Wednesday: 1.2 and 1.3 reading, work on Native American cultures map, hw: Ch. 1 Essential Questions
Thursday: 1.4 and 1.5 reading, work on Native American cultures map, hw: Ch. 1 Essential Questions due tomorrow!
Friday: United States map quiz, finish Ch. 1 reading, finish Native American cultures map

Language Arts:
Tuesday: Finish Unit 1 academic vocabulary notes, Unit 1 Powerpoint (LRA 3.2), and begin Unit 1 flashcards
Wednesday: Read "The Tell Tale Heart" and work on plot chart, hw: study flashcards
Thursday: Read "The Hitchhiker" and work on plot chart, hw: study flashcards
Friday: Finish reading "The Hitchhiker" and finish plot chart, Watch a few animated shorts and study theme, conflict, and resolution