Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27 -October 1

Social Studies: This week we will study Ch. 2 European Exploration and Settlement.
Monday: Ch. 2 Expository Text notes.
Tuesday: Complete Ch. 2 Expository Text notes and begin WordMasters. hw: 1 page letter to Jamestown with advice.
Wednesday: Finish WordMasters and StoryBlasters. hw: write your own story using the Ch. 2 vocabulary.
Thursday: Read your story to a friend and practice "Lost Colony of Roanoke" story theatre.
Friday: "Lost Colony of Roanoke" story theatre.

Language Arts: This week I will be doing a notebook check. Remember, you must have a 3 ring binder with 5 dividers specifically for Language Arts! We will be using this binder daily, so please bring it everyday to school. Each notebook check is worth 5 points and I will be checking notebooks periodically throughout the semester.
Monday: Couplet notes and wkst and Sound Devices wkst, hw: Free Verse poem.
Tuesday: Quatrain and Sonnet notes, Quatrain wkst, hw: Analogy wkst.
Wednesday: Lyric notes and wkst, hw: study your poetry notes to prepare for the quiz tomorrow.
Thursday: Poetry quiz and visit to the library.
Friday: Extended Metaphor wkst and writing prompt.

Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20 -24

Good morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend. This week we will be finishing Native American cultures and preparing for our test next week. We will take a quiz on the United States map and the landmarks, so make sure you get a chance to play the game at the beginning of class. We will continue studying poetry this week and take a quiz on our poetry terms. Remember to always bring your poetry notes to class!

Social Studies
Monday: Finish wb pgs. 2-5 using our observation notes, WordMasters notes, and QuickWrite (8.1) (homework if you did not finish in class)
Tuesday: Review QuickWrite (you WILL see this on a test) and StoryBlasters.
Wednesday: Write your own StoryBlasters using vocabulary.
Thursday: Review Day, Review QuickWrites and Ch. 1 Bingo
Friday: Ch.1 and United States map quiz

Language Arts
Monday: Daily Language, Onomatopoeia, Pun, and Ballad notes,  and "Ballad of the Harp Weaver" wkst, hw: Pun wkst.
Tuesday: "Grand Mothers" focus on voice, Literary Skillbuilder wkst, hw: "Football Injuries" reading comprehension wkst.
Wednesday: Symbols, "Fear/Identity" and "Stopping by the Woods" Literary Skillbuilder wkst, hw: descriptive paragraph about your favorite place.
Thursday: Free Verse and Imagery Literary Skillbuilder wkst, hw: descriptive poem wkst
Friday: Narrative poetry and Sound Devices, "Charge of the Light Brigade"

Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 13 -17

Social Studies: This week we will finish reading Ch. 1 on Native Americans. We will use our map of regions to compare and contrast different Native American cultures.
Tuesday: Introduce Expository notes, no hw.
Wednesday: Take notes on Ch. 1 using Expository Text organizer, finish map of N.A. cultures for hw.
Thursday: View placards and make observations, no hw.
Friday: Review game for N.A. cultures, no hw.

Language Arts: This week we will continue studying poetry. We will study alliteration, personification, analogy, and write our own Haiku.
Tuesday: Review Alliteration, Personification, and add Haiku to Poetry Terms notes, no hw.
Wednesday: Continue Haiku and Haiku card activity, finish Haiku for hw.
Thursday: Study Limericks and write your own, finish Limerick for hw.
Friday: Stanza, Rhyme, and Onomatopoeia, no hw.

Remember to bring your supplies for Language Arts.
3-ring binder
5 dividers

Back-to-School night is this Thursday!

Picture Day is this Friday!


Welcome to our class blog! Each week, I will post an entry to let you know what we will be working on in class. I will also provide information on current homework assignments and projects.
Please feel free to contact me anytime.

I am looking forward to a great school year!

Ms. Insua